
Features, fixes, and enhancements for dddice.


Released 2024-07-17

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Missing merchant images on marketplace landing page


Released 2024-06-29

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Streaming tools popup not working


Released 2024-06-25

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Infinite redirect loop on /account page


Released 2024-06-23

🎉 New Features

  • Dice notation is case-insensitive
  • Support for Foundry VTT Fate system

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Crashes in profile page
  • Sort premium dice by created at


Released 2024-06-16

🚀 Performance

  • Improve load time of marketplace landing page


Released 2024-06-08

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Moving d4s flips them
  • Remove dead links from word cloud
  • Crashes on dice pages for dice that are part of products
  • Roll log overlay not displaying final results

📝 Documentation

  • Add updating dice_tray to API docs


Released 2024-05-29

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Stream overlay crashes with missing room settings

🎨 Styling

  • Mobile layout for marketplace page


Released 2024-05-27

🐛 Bug Fixes

📝 Documentation

  • Update examples in API docs to be more clear


Released 2024-05-25

🎉 New Features

  • Validate a dice's faces before labeling it d4,d6 etc
  • Uncock die by dragging it

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • 'roll again' ignores advantage/disadvantage


Released 2024-05-17

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Changing dice size in the editor doesn't change the number of custom faces


Released 2024-05-16

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Race condition leading to empty dice trays when joining a room


Released 2024-05-11

🎉 New Features

  • Edit your profile picture, name and email address

📝 Documentation

  • Fixed typo in EULA


Released 2024-05-08

🎉 New Features

  • Positive opt-in to have dice listed in the community library
  • Filter products by merchant

📝 Documentation

  • Updates to EULA


Released 2024-05-03

🎉 New Features

  • Room switcher in room settings
  • Group d10 and d10x when replacing dice

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Generating API keys from the account page


Released 2024-04-29

🎉 New Features

  • Players can see all users in room
  • Players can invite users to room
  • Sort player list by online status

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Api keys don't copy to clipboard in Safari or in iOS
  • Broken links to docs pages


Released 2024-04-28

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Keep and drop operator mistakes with duplicate results (ex 2 20s)


Released 2024-04-24

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Unable to edit some dice in the editor


Released 2024-04-19

🎉 New Features

  • Allow advantage/disadvantage rolls for any hand of dice
  • Physics-in-shader
  • Show loading spinner if stream overlay links take time to generate
  • Allow players to stream rooms

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Copy share link to clipboard on iOS


Released 2024-04-13

🎉 New Features

  • Transparent dice don't cast shadows


Released 2024-04-11

🎉 New Features

  • Dddice rolls into beta! 🎉🚀
  • Community dice are patreon-only
  • Update patreon branding and unlock messaging

📝 Documentation

  • Marketplace documentation for buyers and sellers


Released 2024-04-09

🎉 New Features

  • Sort products by updated_at

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Allow null to be passed as "operator" to roll API
  • User names on community spotlight dice

🚀 Performance

  • Improve database performance though the use of read replicas


Released 2024-04-07

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • More fonts work with the editor


Released 2024-04-05

🎉 New Features

  • Add daily orders charts to merchant dashboard

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Broken link to documentation from editor

📝 Documentation

  • Fix broken links to outline and background templates


Released 2024-03-30

🚀 Performance

  • Improve dice page loading times


Released 2024-03-29

🎉 New Features

  • Feature community dice on the marketplace page

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice sets with custom dice orders can cause crashes or

📝 Documentation

  • Improved documentation for players and developers


Released 2024-03-22

🎉 New Features

  • Remove use of cross site cookies for extension authentication

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Deleting custom dice


Released 2024-03-13

🎉 New Features

  • Add input validation for product prices in merchant portal

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Kicked player clearing rolls causes crash
  • Missing images on expanded dice rolls


Released 2024-03-11

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent rare crash on digital dice box when a dice theme user might be missing


Released 2024-03-04

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Narrative dice images shown in chat


Released 2024-02-27

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Roll history errors caused by removing a die type from a dice theme
  • Deleting a theme doesn't crash roll history
  • Do not prevent right-click for non-dice elements
  • Can exit photo mode when roll log is disabled
  • Dice can be dragged full width when roll log is disabled

🎨 Styling

  • Reduce size of dice on mobile homepage


Released 2024-02-10

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • VODs from some channels don't show up on the watch now page
  • Prevent possible 500 error when joining a room

🚀 Performance

  • Improve performance of rendering

🎨 Styling

  • Homepage redesign

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Set social media meta tags for product pages


Released 2024-02-03

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Broken remix button

🎨 Styling

  • Fix responsive layout of the for streamers page
  • Product page buttons


Released 2024-01-21

📝 Documentation

  • Improve activation API documentation


Released 2024-01-18

🎉 New Features

  • Pre-submission validations added for marketplace products
  • View your wishlist 🎲

🎨 Styling

  • Add Pathbuilder2e logo to integrations list


Released 2024-01-02

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Add to digital dice box from dice search
  • Fix kh & hl with 3 or more dice

📝 Documentation

  • Add QuestBound to list of supported integrations
  • Add tutorial video and twitch extension to the 'For Streamers' page


Released 2023-12-28

🎉 New Features

  • Don't need to sign up to use Owlbear rodeo or TailSpire extensions


Released 2023-12-21

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice sorting crashes in some older browsers
  • Owlbear rodeo roll log scrolls with each roll
  • Owlbear rodeo hidden dice popup not being hidden on refresh


Released 2023-12-17

🎉 New Features

  • Merchants can create private dice sets
  • Browse premium themes


Released 2023-12-13

📝 Documentation

  • Using dddice with tabyltop

🎨 Styling

  • Tabyltop logo on the home page


Released 2023-12-13

🎉 New Features

  • Roll api can only roll freely available dice or those in your dice box
  • D16s 🎉🙌🎲 - Blood Bowl anyone?
  • Align face outline maps so they are oriented the same direction for readability
  • D2s 💪🎲 - or coins? you decide
  • Add a bit more randomness into the throw direction

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Changing values in dice editor resets the rotation
  • Dice rolled quickly one after another locks up the roll engine
  • Incorrect 'missing font' errors in the editor

🚀 Performance

  • Remove recursion in physics simulation
  • Improve physics performance with better initial conditions

📝 Documentation

  • Background and outline templates for new dice models


Released 2023-12-12

🎉 New Features

  • Require all rolls to have a room
  • Merchants can submit new products for review and approval
  • Email alerts on product submission review status
  • Email alert when new merchant is created or merchant user is added

🎨 Styling

  • User avatars in merchant portal


Released 2023-12-06

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice filters
  • Deleting dice already rolled in room causes crashes


Released 2023-12-04

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Opening settings in older rooms causes white screen


Released 2023-12-01

🎉 New Features

  • Filter dice sets based on the dice they contain

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Extra small dice don't respect theme's size value
  • Modifiers aren't summed in roll log messages
  • Hidden roll button doesn't pick up old rolls
  • Don't auto pick up hidden rolls


Released 2023-11-28

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Pick up a roll from a deleted room

📝 Documentation

  • Update link to download streamdeck plugin


Released 2023-11-25

🎉 New Features

  • Button for GM to clear all the dice off the table

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Broken remixes for dice with custom fbx models

📝 Documentation

  • Compatibility table with Foundry VTT dice equations
  • Add descriptions of the new stream deck buttons

🎨 Styling

  • Fix style on API docs "Try it out" buttons
  • Add placeholder icon in dice tray for dice with missing previews


Released 2023-11-25

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Picking up a roll whispered to a kicked player


Released 2023-11-18

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Sorting roll results

🎨 Styling

  • Adjust layout of image and text based roll results for readability


Released 2023-11-15

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Rooms refusing to load for some players


Released 2023-11-14

🎉 New Features

  • Add API for GM to clear the dice of players

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Roll log not populating in some rooms


Released 2023-11-11

🎉 New Features

  • Allow use of dice notations that have a leading space Ex. ' Hunger' from the vtm 5e dice

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent 500 when fetching themes from API


Released 2023-11-10

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Show image values when roll log values are expanded

🎨 Styling

  • Align results for image value dice in roll log
  • Prevent scrollbars on dynamic height modals
  • Text wrap reaaaally long tooltips
  • Mobile safari height

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add 'Return to account' button in room interface


Released 2023-11-08

🎉 New Features

  • Roll log pops up and goes away during roll in owlbear rodeo extension
  • Always show roll log in roll log stream overlay regardless of room settings

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent 500 error on activation endpoint
  • Loading more themes will add themes to end of browser
  • Toggling the roll log properly resizes the roll canvas
  • Reset default also resets colors
  • Tapping outside color picker will not dismiss settings
  • Reroll with modifiers
  • Reveal hidden roll values to roller
  • Do not remove hidden roll logs when there are performable actions
  • Right-click to reroll or explode hidden dice will remain hidden

📝 Documentation

  • Compatibility table with Roll20 dice equations

🎨 Styling

  • Blur room passcode in settings
  • Roll messages stick to bottom of room

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Use custom room URLs in API endpoints
  • Add longer timing options to auto clear dice and messages
  • Change 'Reroll' to 'Roll again' in roll log
  • Only show theme name in theme browser tooltip


Released 2023-11-07

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Rooms crashing on join or when opening the settings menu
  • Roll log shows wrong equation for certain dice


Released 2023-11-06

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Image face dice crash roll rooms, owlbear rodeo extension and talespire symbiote


Released 2023-11-03

🎉 New Features

  • New sleek and faster room interface
  • Player override settings are synced across browsers
  • Streaming tools moved from settings to own modal
  • Release new Owlbear Rodeo integration
  • Pass 'created' query param to GET /room to only list created rooms

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Ensure modifiers are obfuscated on hidden roll
  • Roll additional die on adv/dis with modifier
  • Do not expose hidden roll equation

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Tap anywhere to dismiss theme browser


Released 2023-11-01

🎉 New Features

  • Browse premium dice and add to wishlist


Released 2023-10-30

🎉 New Features

  • Division / and drop dh, dl operators added to roll API
  • Round up, down and nearest operators added to roll API
  • Allow roll log to be placed in any corner for Owlbear Rodeo
  • Add parseRollEquation method to SDK

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Don't crash when a roll has only modifiers and no dice
  • Hidden rolls work as expected for Owlbear Rodeo

🎨 Styling

  • Improve vertical UI for Owlbear Rodeo
  • Prevent settings upload text from wrapping
  • Mobile activate screen
  • Do not expand modifiers in Owlbear Rodeo

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add all dice in tray to roll for Owlbear Rodeo


Released 2023-10-23

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix error in merchant portal when adding screenshots


Released 2023-10-18

🎉 New Features

  • Multiplication operator added to roll API
  • Limit which dice in a roll an operator applies to
  • Allow merchants to upload product screenshots and YouTube links
  • Allow merchants to upload logos and product images
  • Allow switching rooms in Owlbear Rodeo

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent error on missing label in twitch extension
  • Only GM can create a dddice room in Owlbear Rodeo
  • Show die type on hover in Owlbear Rodeo

🎨 Styling

  • Streaming roll results shows username if enabled
  • Show roll equation in roll result bubbles


Released 2023-10-14

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent Owlbear Rodeo activation code from flashing
  • Expand Owlbear Rodeo roll results

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Change max upload size to 5MB


Released 2023-10-13

🎉 New Features

  • Add Owlbear Rodeo beta manifest integration
  • Autofill activation code if available

🎨 Styling

  • Restyle chat overlay for streaming

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Themes added to merchant products are marked private
  • Expose theme visibility controls to merchant users
  • Allow merchants to preview product page
  • Custom 401 error page
  • Missing or invalid resources will return 400 code from the API


Released 2023-10-11

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • The GM's dice tray is not shared with new players


Released 2023-10-08

🎉 New Features

  • Add, delete, and list wishlist items with /api/1.0/wishlist endpoints
  • Add products to wishlist
  • Create GET /api/1.0/theme/:id/statistic/* endpoints

🚀 Performance

  • Upgrade core packages to latest versions


Released 2023-10-06

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Adding GM dice tray uses correct underlying API endpoint


Released 2023-10-06

🎉 New Features

  • Add to dice box with POST /api/1.0/dice-box

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • When using stream mode, always fetch user from key


Released 2023-10-03

🎉 New Features

  • Activate third-party integrations using /api/1.0/activate endpoints
  • Merchant portal


Released 2023-09-25

🚀 Performance

  • Small tweak to improve API performance


Released 2023-09-21

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • D8 icon not rendering properly on dice page
  • Whispered dice would not properly update
  • Download generated number textures


Released 2023-09-19

🎉 New Features

  • Auto-kick inactive unregistered users from room after 24 hours

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Blank faces can cause dice set save to fail
  • Can no longer use API to remove a room's owner from the room
  • Popular remixes on dice page
  • Prevent slice from sliding after dropping
  • Deleting your account causes some site functions to crash until cookies are cleared
  • "Pick Up Dice" doesn't work if the chat message was deleted by the auto delete settings
  • Dropped image faced dice don't get removed from roll totals
  • Prevent error when sharing private dice trays with new participants
  • Moving transparent dice will keep original opacity after dropping

🚀 Performance

  • Improve performance of roll API


Released 2023-08-29

🎉 New Features

  • Sync dice trays across devices and integrations
  • New players can have their dice tray set by GM

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Allow help text for room settings


Released 2023-08-28

🚀 Performance

  • Improve performance for fetching room participants


Released 2023-08-25

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Hide modifiers on hidden rolls
  • Dice context menu adjusts position for monitor pixel ratio


Released 2023-08-24

🎉 New Features

  • Save a copy of your own custom dice
  • Right-click dice to reroll, explode, or drop


Released 2023-08-23

🎉 New Features

  • Allow API to store meta data on a roll value
  • Lock dice after rolling, prevent accidental rotation on reroll or resize
  • Drag and sync dice movement with other players
  • X-Small dice setting
  • Configure Max Dice on Table setting

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Ensure 'dice.*.theme' is string for POST /api/1.0/roll


Released 2023-08-20

🎉 New Features

  • Allow players to update rolls
  • Clear current die on explode

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Some vods don't show up on watch page
  • Allow clicking die behind roll results


Released 2023-08-16

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Wait for die to finish rolling before attempting update
  • Reveal roll values in Owlbear Rodeo


Released 2023-08-15

🎉 New Features

  • Limit roll events to a given set of participants in a room
  • Click die to reroll, explode, or drop from a roll
  • Change default click behavior to 'Reroll', 'Explode', or 'Drop'

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Do not show 'Get More Themes' tooltip after the first roll
  • Accept share link properly checks authenticated session

📝 Documentation

  • Create multiple streaming modes to emulate player 'Dice Trays'


Released 2023-08-06

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Scanning QR code on a private room would result in 403

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Improve first impressions by auto-rolling initial dice set


Released 2023-08-01

🎉 New Features

  • Browser extension links on home page use browser detection

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Throw 400 error when rolling with an invalid room

📝 Documentation

  • AboveVTT integration

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Share links can only be accepted by logged in users


Released 2023-07-29

🎉 New Features

  • Show roll labels in roll results
  • Rolls per day chart on dice page

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice with sounds on number crash the roll engine

🎨 Styling

  • New dice discovery page


Released 2023-07-26

🎉 New Features

  • Make system list a word cloud


Released 2023-07-13

🎉 New Features

  • Add streamed VODs to watch page
  • Add pings to @dice releases when dice are featured

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Don't show vods for still live streams

🎨 Styling

  • Streamer list takes up more space


Released 2023-07-10

🎉 New Features

  • Unlink social accounts to transfer them to other dddice accounts
  • Watch streams using dddice on our watch live page

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Account linking can accidentally create new profiles sometimes

📝 Documentation

  • TaleSpire symbiote documentation

🎨 Styling

  • Add TaleSpire integration to home page


Released 2023-07-08

🎨 Styling

  • Homepage announcements


Released 2023-07-07

🎨 Styling

  • Links in dice descriptions are blue
  • Change beta landing page and signup


Released 2023-07-02

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Rogue 'specular color' input in the editor
  • Roll results block editor and dice page interface on mobile


Released 2023-06-29

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Adding dice to a set crashes the editor


Released 2023-06-28

🎉 New Features

  • Allow rolls with only modifiers but no dice
  • Modifiers don't need themes when submitted via the api
  • Sounds in editor
  • Show roll results on preview rolls

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Highest / lowest value sounds not working for custom valued dice (like the d10x)
  • Modifiers don't have theme ids

🚀 Performance

  • Automatically stop the render engine when there are no dice to render

📝 Documentation

  • Adding sounds to dice in the editor


Released 2023-05-25

🎉 New Features

  • Roll api can accept dice id or dice notation in the dice type field

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice previews don't load sometimes in owlbear rodeo dice result messages
  • When server errors happen while rolling the dice room crashes

🎨 Styling

  • Header navigation is mobile-friendly


Released 2023-05-20

🎉 New Features

  • A label can be added to each dice rolled via the api

🎨 Styling

  • Show more patreon themes in dice discovery


Released 2023-05-13

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Add error on downloading empty particle system file
  • Error on uploading invalid particle system file
  • Popular remixes section of the dice pages


Released 2023-05-11

🎉 New Features

  • Popular remixes shown on dice pages
  • Particle effects for dice

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Add missing label type to IRoll/IRollValue
  • Room cards take full width
  • Reroll with modifier

📝 Documentation

  • Add links to the Firefox extension

🎨 Styling

  • Group editor options by global / per dice


Released 2023-05-06

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Users who register before rolling have empty dice boxes


Released 2023-05-03

📝 Documentation

  • Fix Share example responses

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Improve accessibility for room and editor


Released 2023-04-30

🎉 New Features

  • Render dice theme descriptions using Markdown

🎨 Styling

  • Give credit to the original theme creator for remixed dice

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add FAQ section to For Dice Makers


Released 2023-04-27

🎉 New Features

  • Room settings are saved per room and synced across players and plugins
  • Allow players to override room settings for accessibility
  • Configure room lighting & physics with Patreon support
  • Reset room settings to default values
  • Add merchant application for physical and digital dice makers
  • Dice box returns newest added dice first
  • Assign color labels to dice
  • Show what theme it was remixed from
  • Dice previews have the highest face showing forward

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Guarantee use of API Key over session cookie for plugins
  • "Features" dropdown menu on dice pages
  • Roll histograms on dice pages

📝 Documentation

  • Fix incorrect dice type examples in the docs

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Only show Streaming Mode tooltip once


Released 2023-04-22

🎉 New Features

  • Apply multiple filters in dice discovery searches
  • Full text search of theme names and descriptions
  • Allow admins to ban dice themes
  • Create private dice with Patreon support


Released 2023-04-19

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Adding dice fails and redirects you to the profile page


Released 2023-04-18

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Theme owner's count off by 1
  • Share links have outdated social card image


Released 2023-04-17

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Owlbear rodeo extension fails to load sometimes


Released 2023-04-15

🎉 New Features

  • Upgrade dice themes made with old shaders
  • View all dice by a particular user
  • Creators can control how their dice are used, shared, and discovered

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent error on deleted user dice pages

🚀 Performance

  • Update framework and language to latest versions
  • Improve loading times of Discover Dice pages

🎨 Styling

  • Make numeric inputs in API docs have black text
  • Add padding to share link modal


Released 2023-04-13

🎉 New Features

  • More logical sorting of dice
  • Set use limits and expiration on share links
  • Click on "Latest", "Most Rolled" & "Most Popular" to see dice of that category

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • User supplied roll indicator stays when roll values are expanded
  • Underlines don't move when numbers are positioned on dice faces in the editor
  • Share page crashes when previews aren't yet generated

🚀 Performance

  • Optimize dice histogram charts and limit to 30 days of data to improve load times

📝 Documentation

  • Fix links to d10 and d12 outline templates

🎨 Styling

  • Improve readability of testimonials on mobile


Released 2023-04-07

🎉 New Features

  • Make shiny dice with specular maps
  • Make glowy dice with emissive maps
  • Advanced options section for customizing numbers on your dice
  • Auto generate bump, specular and emissive maps for image faces
  • Add descriptions for the dice you create!
  • Place numbers on the faces of your dice with precision
  • Zoom in on dice in the editor with the mouse wheel
  • Toggle auto rotate of die in the editor
  • Limit texture sizes usable in the editor
  • Make metallic dice with metalness maps
  • Clearcoat and sheen map support in the editor
  • Add theme's name to delete & remove warnings
  • Buttons to copy editor textures and custom faces between dice in a set
  • Give dice easy outlines in the dice editor
  • Link Patreon account for exclusive features
  • Add Firefox integration to homepage
  • Create custom room URL for Patreon backers

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Only options valid for the current shader are shown in the editor
  • 6s and 9s will have the underline box checked when added as a custom face

🚀 Performance

  • Speed up the load of the dice pages
  • Reduce amount of data needed to store a theme

📝 Documentation

  • Updated editor documentation for new options

🎨 Styling

  • Add Unlock More page


Released 2023-04-04

🎉 New Features

  • Add update room wrapper to SDK
  • Add APIs to update a roll to add new dice for use in exploding rolls and re-rolls

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Error when adding a non d20 die to a roll labeled advantage or disadvantage
  • Re-roll with advantage or disadvantage

📝 Documentation

  • Update setup instructions
  • Add Pathbuilder 2e to supported services list


Released 2023-03-29

🎉 New Features

  • Roll with advantage or disadvantage
  • Paginate the digital dice box

📝 Documentation

  • Pathbuilder 2e integration
  • Remove links to opera store from browser extension docs
  • Add youtube tutorial video for Dungeon Master's Vault
  • Add Pathbuilder 2e to Owlbear Rodeo store page


Released 2023-03-21

🎉 New Features

  • Button to copy streaming mode links to clipboard
  • Always put "who I am" player first in room
  • Allow GM to edit all player's names and colors
  • Allow GM to kick players from the header > edit player menu
  • Add Dungeon Master's Vault and Pathbuilder 2e integrations to homepage

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Outline and shadow settings in stream overlay and owlbear rodeo extension
  • "Fade Messages After" set to "Never" fades them immediately

📝 Documentation

  • Add tutorial video to owlbear rodeo docs
  • Dungeon master's vault integration documentation

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add error messages to editor


Released 2023-03-13

🎉 New Features

  • Return 409 when joining a room you are already a part of

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Login issues in Owlbear Rodeo extension on firefox
  • Leave room
  • Owlbear rodeo to dddice username syncing

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Update owlbear extension store description
  • Link to get background templates opens in new tab


Released 2023-03-07

🎉 New Features

  • Customize dice tray color from settings
  • Mark user provided values in chat with a red asterick

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Owlbear extension can't log in on firefox

📝 Documentation

  • Link to dddice code examples

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add additional types to api.roll.create in SDK


Released 2023-03-02

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Can't delete themes from your dice box


Released 2023-03-01

🎉 New Features

  • Owlbear rodeo extension

📝 Documentation

  • Add specific docs pages for Roll20 and D&D Beyond integrations

🎨 Styling

  • Update logo on owlbear rodeo extension showcase
  • Add Owlbear Rodeo to homepage


Released 2023-02-27

🎉 New Features

  • Allow apps to identify themselves through an appName parameter

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice share links now have most current preview images
  • Return validation errors on POST /api/1.0/roll if dice field is invalid

🎨 Styling

  • Add testimonials to homepage
  • Limit height of dice previews in the Digital Dice Box
  • Add system name to title on dice discovery pages
  • Dice share page social card has a preview die in it


Released 2023-02-24

🎉 New Features

  • New Replace All button to replace dice piles with current theme
  • Add setting to Fade/Remove Messages after a period of time

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Catch and handle unexpected OAuth login errors
  • Settings such as disable shadows set properly on initialization
  • Double-click to quick roll dice uses proper theme

📝 Documentation

  • Fix typos in Basic Usage > Create Custom Dice

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add contact button to 500 error page


Released 2023-02-23

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dark colors in stream overlay

🚀 Performance

  • Improve dice roll timing

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Remove email subscription from footer


Released 2023-02-22

🎉 New Features

  • Add delay to chat messages in stream overlay to build suspense
  • Semantic css classes for roll results stream overlay
  • Dice rooms work in iframe
  • Add room switcher to dice roller interface

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Odd bounces on rolls made in quick succession
  • Some ways to clear dice cause the render to freeze until the next dice is rolled
  • Dice piles extend off-screen on very narrow mobile screens

📝 Documentation

  • Add missing links to stream deck plugin docs


Released 2023-02-19

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice editor and dice creation api not saving dice

📝 Documentation

  • Update sdk landing page with a fuller code example
  • Remove header from api docs and fix "try it out"

🎨 Styling

  • Restyle the api documentation to match homepage


Released 2023-02-17

🎨 Styling

  • Restyle the api documentation to match homepage

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add feedback links to homepage and account page


Released 2023-02-16

🎉 New Features

  • All API endpoints return a consistent error format

📝 Documentation

  • Document the dice editor
  • Add links from the dice editor to its docs

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add available systems to homepage


Released 2023-02-11

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Correct washed out colors


Released 2023-02-10

🎉 New Features

  • Add all dice to dice piles
  • Disable dice shadows

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Add to Digital Dice Box from dice pages
  • Can't edit or remix numbers
  • POST /api/1.0/roll returns error if participant is not found in room


Released 2023-02-09

🎉 New Features

  • Allow limit/expires_at for POST /api/1.0/share

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Return 400 error on duplicate /api/1.0/share/:id request
  • Login redirect loop if user hard navigates to the login page


Released 2023-02-07

🎉 New Features

  • Better fidelity in dice coloration between editor and rendered dice
  • Define dice manifest version 2.0 which uses correct sRGB color spacing
  • Only accept dice manifests with an API version of 2.0

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Login redirect can sometimes take you back to an external site
  • Social cards for dice sets with only 1 die
  • Delete third-party login information when account is confirm deleted

🎨 Styling

  • Share links use only one die in social card


Released 2023-02-05

🎉 New Features

  • Redirect user back to the page they came from on login / registration
  • On login redirect users with no profile to profile flow, then back to where they were
  • Double-click dice in organizer to quick roll
  • Disable dice outlines

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice you created showing up twice in your digital dice box
  • Editing remixed themes didn't load the base theme correctly
  • Enable lossless compression of uploaded textures
  • Allow mp3s to be submitted as dice sounds via API

📝 Documentation

  • StreamDeck Plugin documentation


Released 2023-01-28

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice added via the editor to a set won't roll
  • Switching "pick up dice" setting

🚀 Performance

  • Speed up dice organizer interface and dice-box API

🎨 Styling

  • Loading spinner & discover link in the dice organizer


Released 2023-01-25

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Sluggish form controls in the editor
  • Editor applies d10x values to d10
  • Remixing of dice causing issues with loading 3D models
  • Roll values histogram crashes on dice pages


Released 2023-01-21

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix lag in editor name input
  • Fix sharing dice and editing games from account pages


Released 2023-01-20

🎉 New Features

  • Add or remove dice from dice sets via the editor
  • Add backgrounds and bump maps to dice via the editor
  • Add checkbox to underline numbers in the editor
  • Layout changes to improve mobile editor experience
  • Editor lets you make numbers embossed or sunken in

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix d10x being nigh uneditable
  • Share from Digital Dice Box generates limited-use URL

🎨 Styling

  • Improve room mobile header spacing

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Remove base theme selection in editor in favor of remix
  • Update footer year (and make it dynamic)
  • Click any blank space in Organize My Dice to close
  • Use static image for Streaming Mode preview


Released 2023-01-14

🎉 New Features

  • Add a remix/edit button to the dice discovery pages for individual dice

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Some troubles with remixing dice

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Ask to join dddice online communities after sign up


Released 2023-01-10

🎉 New Features

  • Add Stream Deck, Opera, and Edge integrations

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Start rolling button on homepage

📝 Documentation

  • Revise documentation to reflect the current state of the software


Released 2023-01-03

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Room settings not transferring correctly to rooms


Released 2023-01-01

🎉 New Features

  • Persist rolling settings when opening streaming mode for rolls
  • Choose from small, medium or large dice when you roll!

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Can't add dice with an ' in the name to your dice box
  • Picking up multiple rolls at the same time only picked up the first for other players

🚀 Performance

  • Don't call api to clear rolls that have already been cleared


Released 2022-12-29

🎉 New Features

  • Use any font installed on your device in the dice editor
  • Support gLTF files for dice models complete with shaders

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice preview image on dice pages is squished after resize
  • Deleted users crash rooms they used to be in
  • Preloading of themes on dice pages


Released 2022-12-25

🚀 Performance

  • Use webp by default for dice textures

📝 Documentation

  • Update browser extension and foundry vtt docs to reflect recent updates

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Remove captcha from contact form, prevent bots in other ways


Released 2022-12-07

🎉 New Features

  • Announce newly created dice in #dice-releases on discord
  • POST /api/1.0/user to grant temporary guest access
  • Announce newly created dice in #dice-releases on discord
  • Add wrapper for updating all rolls in room
  • Updated homepage puts integrations front-and-center
  • Sharing private room links includes passcode by default

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dicebox wrapper returns IApiResponse<'theme[]',ITheme> instead of ITheme[]
  • Showing previews for die types removed from the theme
  • Change return of endpoint to create guest api key from 200 to 201
  • Custom face values don't populate correctly in editor inputs
  • Crashes in the dice page when previews are missing

🎨 Styling

  • Update twitch svg icon


Released 2022-11-30

🎉 New Features

  • Whisper dice rolls to connected players
  • Setup profile with username and photo
  • Play dice shaking noise, customizable via API

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Historical rolls chart on dice pages
  • Social cards for dice share pages

🚀 Performance

  • Improve page load times of dice discovery

📝 Documentation

  • Add multi GPU laptop issue to 'known issues' page

🎨 Styling

  • Roll loading indicator - shake while you wait!
  • Small landing page adjustment fixes

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Disable shaking sound from settings


Released 2022-11-25

🎉 New Features

  • Discover dice
  • Filter dice by color and supported system

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Bottom row of dice piles sometimes doesn't load
  • Endpoint POST /api/1.0/room/participant returns 400 if user has already joined room
  • Dice pages crashing if previews are still generating

🚀 Performance

  • Don't load theme previews when unneeded
  • Improve lookup times for dice themes

📝 Documentation

  • Browser extension documentation
  • Update Streaming Mode instructions

🎨 Styling

  • Use the d20 (or equivalent) as social card for dice pages
  • Use dddice logo for generic social card
  • Update homepage copy

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Redirect to dice page by default after saving custom dice
  • Hide 'Organize My Dice' button while building roll


Released 2022-11-19

🚀 Performance

  • Preload dice resources for faster rolls

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add to SDK


Released 2022-11-15

🎉 New Features

  • Better typing for roll and room events for enhanced self documentation
  • Add getter for isDiceThrowing to SDK
  • Allow chat messages to be styled
  • Stream chat message with Chat Streaming Mode
  • Sync rolls with Roll20

🚀 Performance

  • Improved room loading times

🎨 Styling

  • Organize room settings for more flexibility

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • API always returns JSON
  • Add "All Features" page
  • Open Streaming Mode plugins in a new window


Released 2022-11-12

🎉 New Features

  • Allow "external_id" when creating a roll


Released 2022-11-10

🎉 New Features

  • Proper exports from SDK
  • Publish type defs for SDK
  • Standardize and enumerate all listeners in SDK

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent rolls from being executed more than once
  • Reroll with modifier works as expected

🎨 Styling

  • Properly color arrows in press kit svgs


Released 2022-11-07

🚀 Performance

  • Improve worker auto-balancer for increased stability and performance

📝 Documentation

  • Document Photo Mode usage and shortcuts


Released 2022-11-06

🎉 New Features

  • Use Photo Mode to take fancy screenshots of your rolls
  • Add Foundry VTT and D&D Beyond plugins to homepage

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Rare error where joining a room might result in a 500


Released 2022-11-04

🎉 New Features

  • Allow connection to room without starting render loop for use in plugins

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Authorize WebSockets in iframe
  • Validation of dice types for themes with custom dice types

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Use a minus sign (-) when rolling with negative modifiers
  • Throw 400 on create roll if die type is not available and value is given


Released 2022-10-30

🎉 New Features

  • Roll with modifiers
  • Configure sorting of dice rolls
  • Remove dice from current roll

🎨 Styling

  • Room loading screen

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Retain dice order in chat message


Released 2022-10-29

🎉 New Features

  • Add 'equation' to roll response
  • Add Press Kit and Branding guidelines

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Do not throw 400 on roll if modifier used with operators

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Throw 400 on create roll if operators used with multiple die types
  • Throw 400 on create roll if die type is not available
  • Update Discord invite link


Released 2022-10-26

🎉 New Features

  • Allow dddice to be loaded via iframe
  • Add ThreeDDice#pickUpRoll to SDK
  • Add Patreon to social media links
  • Add YouTube resources to homepage
  • Increase max upload size to 10MB

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Theme remix wouldn't load (for real this time)
  • Change roll controller validation to accept theme slugs up to 256


Released 2022-10-22

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix theme listing for d&d beyond plugin

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Return roll response when calling ThreeDDice#roll from SDK


Released 2022-10-20

🎉 New Features

  • Button to download generated number maps in editor

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Theme remix wouldn't load

📝 Documentation

  • Expose IEngineConfig#autoClear/persistRolls in SDK documentation


Released 2022-10-19

🎉 New Features

  • Showcase streamers that use dddice
  • Support svg images in themes

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix ThreeDDiceAPI#onConnectionStateChange to return proper state
  • Include Pusher dependency for SDK
  • Use actual API URL for third-party SDK integrations
  • Allow CORS for external WebSocket connections
  • Load default theme sounds/meshes from CDN

🚀 Performance

  • Improve performance of Digital Dice Box


Released 2022-10-13

🎉 New Features

  • Dice can have blank faces

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Don't display blank faces as part of roll total (but show them in breakdown)

📝 Documentation

  • Themes return proper responses


Released 2022-10-11

🎉 New Features

  • Images can be used to represent roll values in chat
  • Add loading screen to editor

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Image faces not showing up right away in editor
  • Input equation fails gracefully when dice themes are missing
  • Page flicker on the dice box and rooms tab in the accounts page
  • Theme preview fetch swaps out other requests & theme previews update in chat
  • Improve color selection for theme labels
  • Keep the die roll canvas within the texture size limits the current device supports

📝 Documentation

  • Manifest documentation for "Create A Theme" API

🎨 Styling

  • Brand new landing pages


Released 2022-09-23

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Toon and physical shaders fixed in editor
  • Deleted custom themes don't get removed from the die organizer on the room page

🚀 Performance

  • Improve page load time performance


Released 2022-09-19

🎉 New Features

  • Showcase latest blog posts on homepage
  • Showcase dice from the community on homepage
  • Dice pages to view stats, preview rolling, and add to Digital Dice Box

🎨 Styling

  • Update homepage design and layout

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Dismiss Streaming Mode tooltip after a few seconds
  • Report dice themes for spam or abuse


Released 2022-09-14

🎉 New Features

  • Configure automatic fade out of dice from the cog menu

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Preload dice themes that are in a die pile

🚀 Performance

  • Improve rendering performance after large number of rolls have occurred


Released 2022-09-05

🎉 New Features

  • Add roll modifiers to API and SDK
  • Add IRoll.label and IRollValue.is_dropped to API and SDK
  • Update all user rolls in room with PATCH /api/1.0/room/{slug}/roll
  • List API Keys in My Account, delete keys
  • Search dice box with ?filter= query param
  • Link additional social accounts from My Account

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Generating new API key does not expire previous keys


Released 2022-09-01

🎉 New Features

  • Add PATCH /api/1.0/roll to bulk update rolls

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Use API key when opening Streaming Mode
  • Properly resize Streaming Mode canvas

🚀 Performance

  • Do not make second network call after WebSocket event

🎨 Styling

  • Tooltip responsive for Streaming Mode
  • Show room background image in Manage Rooms
  • Add new promo video to homepage

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Increase API rate limit


Released 2022-08-26

🎉 New Features

  • Manage rooms, kick players, set passcodes
  • Require passcode from player before joining private room
  • Kicked players are redirected out of a room
  • Remix other people's dice from the dice box

📝 Documentation

  • Add Streaming Mode setup guide

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Do not require room passcode if already a participant


Released 2022-08-25

🎉 New Features

  • Add fudge, half and from-the-deep dice to editor

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Tool tips rebuild after paging themes in the die pile organizer
  • Certain themes correctly assigned on first load

🎨 Styling

  • Order themes by created at to highlight newly released themes
  • Fix mobile header logo alignment

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Click anywhere to dismiss help screen
  • Display build version
  • Canonical meta tags


Released 2022-08-24

🎉 New Features

  • Add GET /api/1.0/room endpoint to list all rooms
  • Expose SDK API on window
  • Dice sets can now have multiple dice of the same size that are skinned differently
  • Die notation configuration in die manifest
  • Editor supports available_dice

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Stream mode needs no css adjustments when used as OBS overlay
  • Pagination of dice in the die organizer
  • Properly set value_to_display when calling POST /api/1.0/roll

🚀 Performance

  • Limit dice to max 25 per roll

🎨 Styling

  • New die icons in editor


Released 2022-08-20

🎉 New Features

  • Add YouTube to social media links
  • Add Twitch to social media links
  • Use JS SDK to build your own custom dddice integrations
  • Add Streaming Mode to rooms

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Permission error in editor when switching base themes before logging in

📝 Documentation

  • Update documentation branding

🎨 Styling

  • Add logo
  • Update homepage FAQ and features list


Released 2022-08-16

🎉 New Features

  • Manage and remove rooms from account page
  • Leave rooms you have joined

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Dice with base themes don't load correct shader

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Update FAQ


Released 2022-08-15

🎉 New Features

  • Social login with Twitch and Discord
  • Schedule your account for deletion
  • Accounts permanently deleted 30 days later
  • Social login with Steam
  • Add log in, log out, register and account delete buttons to gear menu
  • Social login with Google
  • Share dice with your friends (or foes)
  • Make variants of the chrome theme in the editor

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Hidden rolls unhide correctly

🎨 Styling

  • Login and register pages look beautiful 💅💇‍♀️
  • Swapped png for svg discord logo

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Use room name as page title when sharing links
  • Move changelog to main site


Released 2022-08-13

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Old theme previews show after edit


Released 2022-08-09

🎉 New Features

  • Select from phong, toon and physical shaders in editor
  • Edit themes made via the editor
  • Add simple pagination to theme browser

🚀 Performance

  • Improve performance of editor

🎨 Styling

  • Improve preview of digital die in editor
  • Improved footer with links to legal docs

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Add privacy, terms, and eula documents


Released 2022-08-04

🎉 New Features

  • Add physics configurations for themes

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Chat no longer shows up when inputting a roll or editing dice piles
  • Old chats are faded unless chat area is moused over


Released 2022-07-20

🎉 New Features

  • Toggle chat visibility
  • Allow WEBP image format for background images

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Properly save and update username/color
  • Rooms with many participants accurately receive events

🎨 Styling

  • Move clear dice and board actions to top toolbar

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Format homepage numbers
  • Add FAQ about privacy
  • Increase max upload size to 5MB


Released 2022-07-16

🎉 New Features

  • New dddice API
  • Music dice to showoff new API features
  • Add pride dice
  • Add API token generation to the gear menu
  • Add digital clock die theme
  • Add connection status indicator
  • Better theme browser and organizer
  • Upload custom room background
  • Shadows for rolled dice

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Image faces in die editor
  • Shininess uniform in editor
  • Physics engine crashing when window/tab was unfocused
  • Hex color uniform in the editor
  • Letter dice in editor

🚀 Performance

  • Theme previews loaded using sprite sheet

📝 Documentation

  • Add API docs

🎨 Styling

  • Update homepage stats and FAQ

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Default username for room creator is 'Game Master'
  • Rolls are thrown according to a player's table positioning
  • First-time usage instructions
  • Sort custom dice first in organizer


Released 2022-05-20

🎉 New Features

  • Editor can create custom number maps
  • Add in-app guide for 'Organize My Dice'

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Editor die preview not resizing correctly on maximize / restore
  • Reroll button on latest chat message unclickable

🎨 Styling

  • Dice with letters on them
  • Slim down editor for better usability on mobile or small screens
  • Add 'Create Custom Dice' button to homepage
  • Slightly increase width of chat messages

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Save dice piles on each drop


Released 2022-05-07

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Rotate die in the editor

🎨 Styling

  • Fix "Create Your Own Theme" button on iOS mobile


Released 2022-05-06

🎉 New Features

  • Create your own basic custom dice themes
  • New theme: "Old School" with a font that looks like die of yore
  • Pick up dice for all players
  • Add setting for "Dice breakdown", "Pick up dice"

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Chat scrolling
  • Allow room creator to change room name on mobile

🎨 Styling

  • Simplified, easier-to-read chat
  • Sleeker, easier-to-use UI
  • Fade chat after 3s for better visibility

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Limit dice on table to 25 (for now)
  • Limit dice in equation to 25 (for now)
  • Limit chat messages to 25 (for now)
  • Add captcha to contact form to stop spam bots 👊
  • Improve dice collision with edge of screen


Released 2022-04-21

🎉 New Features

  • D10x is born! Roll this die with a d10 to make a d% aka d100 roll!

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent dice from landing outside the edge of the screen

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Tap anywhere to dismiss invite screen


Released 2022-04-18

🎉 New Features

  • Improve dice theme custom parameters and animations
  • Hide rolls using "Hidden Roll" button
  • Add "Toon" dice theme
  • Add "Emoji" dice theme
  • Reroll picks up the old dice
  • Drag & drop to create custom dice piles

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Keep chat from popping over the roll interface
  • Make chat always scroll to bottom
  • Swap 9 and 6 on the d20
  • Reduce clickable area on chat messages to be only the black message box
  • Prevent tooltips blocking UI on mobile

📝 Documentation

  • Add "Hidden Rolls", more themes

🎨 Styling

  • Custom scrollbar

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Fix some issues with prettier and fix up some missed files


Released 2022-02-17

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Updated usernames persist on reconnect

🚀 Performance

  • Upgrade libraries and dependencies

📝 Documentation

  • Update Roll Dice docs

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Do not open invite screen on first connect
  • Add social media to settings menu


Released 2022-02-11

🎉 New Features

  • Player dice are thrown in opposing directions

🎨 Styling

  • Improve mobile fullscreen UI

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Randomize dice theme when joining
  • 'Clear Board' moved to settings


Released 2022-02-07

🎉 New Features

  • Check if WebGL is enabled

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent error on many concurrent rolls

🚀 Performance

  • Update third-party libraries

📝 Documentation

  • Add System Requirements article

⚙️ Miscellaneous

  • Update meta title/description


Released 2022-02-01

🎉 New Features

  • Initial release, roll with friends
  • Reroll dice from chat

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Roll values are consistent for all users

📝 Documentation

  • Update development faq